- Laureates from Ghana, Palestine and Peru win 2021 UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development
- The Media Development Center and AMAN Coalition launched the Investigative Reporting in Corruption Cases Curriculum
- Hamleh, Media Development Center tackle cybersecurity education
- Students gain business, economic journalism skills in specialized media course
- New course on Cultural Journalism supported by Ministry of Culture
- Media Development Center, Ministry of Information hold joint conferences and workshops
- Journalists, activists explore cyber violence in workshop
- Media graduates, experts learn solutions-journalism in workshop
- Media Development Center teams up with Gaza municipalities, launches first public relations workshop
- Media center launches pioneering ethics course at the Arab American University
- Palestinian representatives hone public speaking skills in media center course
- Media Development Center hosts symposium on Israeli-sourced translations, Palestinian narrative
- Media Development Center launches first solutions journalism forum in Palestine
- International professors discuss media development, joint cooperation at Birzeit University
- Journalists, public officials hone skills in two Media Development Center courses
- Media Development Center (MDC) launches the TV program: “Under Investigation” on Ma’an News Agency
- Media Development Center publishes article on digital diplomacy in Palestine
- “Forsa”: a new initiative to support independent, transparent media
- Media Students strengthen their Arabic in training
- BZU Celebrates World Press Freedom Day
- At Conference on media empowerment: Panelists call for joint-work for free, professional media
- BZU Participates in Innovative Gender and Media Management Training
- Media Development Center Discusses Studies on Freedom of Press, Digital Broadcasting & Public Media
- Nazareth Journalists Trained in Social Media
- Media Development Center Participates in the World Summit on Media for Children in Malaysia
- Media Development Center Launches Media Study Based on UNESCO Indicators
- study of "Assessment of Media Development in Palestine,"
- Under the supervision of Swedish director Peإ Holmquist Starting documentary filmmaking training course
- Students of Al-Quds Open University visiting the Media Development Center at Birzeit University
- Obituary of a dear colleague
- German delegation of journalist visits the Media Development Center at Birzeit University
- The MDC.. Hunting Down Success..
- Journalists and legal professionals discuss a draft law on the right of access to information upon invitation from the MDC in Gaza
- Media Development Center /Gaza begins 2014 training courses with the “Feature Story”
- Media Development Center concludes a training course on film montage
- Media development center launching National Strategy for Media and -capacity building
- Session held at the Media Development Center/ Birzeit University to discusses a study on Palestinian female journalists.
- The conclusion of a training course on “Media terminology use”
- “Media marketing” training course conclusion
- “TV news reporting” training course wrapped up on Gaza
- Invitation for: National Conference on Media Development in Palestine
- AL- Hal celebrates edition number one hundred
- Media Development Center at Birzeit University Concludes Training Course on "The art of dialogue"
- The MDC celebrated the conclusion of the project "Media in the face of corruption"
- The Swedish Consul visiting Media Development Center
- Omani journalists visit Media Development Center at Birzeit University
- Representatives from the Ministry of Information visits the MDC on the new headquarters
- Three films produced by the Media Development Center / University of Birzeit Win three out of five awards at the Festival (witness on creativity)
- Media Development Center and UNESCO Hold a Conference on Media Development in Palestine
- National Conference for the Presentation and Discussion of the Preliminary Findings of the Assessment of Media Development in Palestine
- February Feature - Asma Marzouq
- During the year of 2013, MDC will implement a new project "Women Speaking".
- MDC organized a seminar on “Media Coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict”
- Closing day ceremony of “Villages Voices” Project on the 6th of November, 2012.
- MDC and UNESCO held a workshop on Media Development Indicators
- Completion of communication strategy for media professional
- Visuals and infographics for television course ended at MDC
- Writing course for multimedia were held at MDC
- A delegation from the University of Darmstadt in Germany visited the Media Development Center
- Completion of blogging training course in the MDC - Gaza
- MDC kicks off media research group with methods seminar
- BZU Media Development Center Launches Media National Strategy Project
- UNESCO, CFI, MDC and the BZU Media Department hosted celebration of World Press Freedom Day in Palestine
- French delegation from Toulouse Municipality visiting the MDC
- The MDC and CFI will turn Al-Hal viral in 2012
- UNESCO, CFI and the MDC partner up for the celebration of World Press Freedom Day
- MDC and Heinrich Bِll Foundation launch new project airing voices from Palestinian villages
- MDC accomplishments of 2011 met great praise from partners
- Seeking Consultancy Services
- "The Ramallah Pitching Commission for documentary Projects 2012, RamallahDoc"
- Belgian journalism students visit the MDC
- MDC hosted course in photography and lighting
- Videos from Social Media and the Occupation
- Are you the investigative reporter of the year?
- Social media and the occupation
- 27 New Conflict Sensitive Journalists
- EVENT: Social Media and the Occupation
- CFI prize for the best documentary projects
- Completion of the Magazine-Editing course at the MDC
- Welcome to the MDC blog
- Birzeit Radio Program Broadcasting – phase 2
- Promotion of Media Diversity
- Palestinian Journalists’ Electronic Platform
- Media production for community development in the Gaza Strip
- Course in Photography and lighting at MDC was a success
- End of course in ‘writing for radio’ by trainer Samir Aldrabia
- MDC at Birzeit University hosted debate with Al Jazeera program director Aref Hijjawi
- MDC at Birzeit University hosted A special debate with Mr. Aref Hijjawi
- MDC at Birzeit University hosted A special debate with Mr. Aref Hijjawi