
Media development center launching National Strategy for Media and -capacity building



The MDC at Birzeit University on January 21/2014,  and in corporation with the Swedish Development Agency (Sida) ; has released  their new collaboration in the preparation of  Media National Strategy and capacity building entitled " Towards a Promising Future for a Palestinian Democratic Media Environment – National Strategy Planning and Capacity Building.
The ceremony took a place  at the Media Development Center and was attended by Birzeit University President Dr. Khalil Hindi and the Swedish Consul General Axel Wernhoff.

The projects manager at the center  Buthayna  Alsemeiri said that the project will last till the end of 2016 with Sida funding. She talked also about the partners in the preparation of this  strategy who are over 40 and all of them are waiting to see its results that will cover all the inputs and outputs of the Media Sector starting with journalism curricula  at the Palestinian universities, training courses, and also the setting of rules  and regulations to insure Media freedom based on modern standards along with developing ethics regulations and the development of syndicate work and  paying attention to media literacy.

During the event the MDC displayed  a brief  presentation about the center's plan for the next three years , and the most important objectives , including: the launch of the National Strategy ,the release of the first media research journal in Palestine in both English and Arabic , activating the gender unit at the center and conduct dozens of training courses in different areas of  media in both  West Bank and Gaza Strip and activate cooperation with local radio and television channels  for the utilization of the  high-tech equipped  studios at the center .
For his part, Dr.Khalil during the ceremony  announced the launch of this  renewed collaboration, he noted to the fact that accept for the existence of major key media institutions as the MDC; the Palestinian media could not have reached  this stage of development , and professionalism, this role  obviously would not have been realized without the support of the Swedish Foundation .
For his part , Wernhoff pointed that the Swedish Agency for Development (Sida) has supported  the Palestinians for years and  has cooperated with the Media Development Center since 1996 , pointing out that  any country  could not develop in the field of democracy or living without the  focus on Media , and here comes our role in supporting this aspect , through the  support of the Centre .
He expressed his country pride in this cooperation, stressing that it will continue in the future, especially since there are many achievements throughout those years of collaboration.

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