
Nazareth Journalists Trained in Social Media


On December 1, 2014, the Birzeit University Media Development Center, in collaboration with the Nazareth Media Center, concluded a training course for journalists on social media and campaigns using social networks. The course was conducted by the trainer Mamoun Matar, and attended by journalists from inside Israel.

The course was held in two phases. The first was a three-day training session in Ramallah on the use of social media in managing successful campaigns and the second was a two-day training session in Nazareth on producing campaign materials to be disseminated through social media.

The participants were trained in several skills: the importance of electronic presence and digital identity, how to prepare a media plan for digital campaigns, and how to manage campaigns and social networks.

The trainees designed four campaigns to be launched by Nazareth Media Center. The campaigns were on the topics of changing the concept of “Israeli Arabs” in Palestinian and Arabic media, facing the violence of Israeli police forces when it is directed at protesters and Palestinian journalists, home demolitions in Israel and Arab workers’ rights and ethnic discrimination.

The training course is an annual event funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation AgencySida.

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