
The MDC.. Hunting Down Success..


IMG_1796If you have visited the MDC you are most likely going to want to do it again for several times yet to come..

once you visit the MDC you will visualize Media at so many levels, you can proclaim the practical aspects of this colorful domain..you will manage to explore the different streams of media on a professional sophisticated level.

The MDC has started back in 1996 with its first manager efforts who was Nabeel Al Khateeb, and who is Al-arabiya Channel news director nowadays, the center has started conducting training courses for workers in the radio , the jumping start was a nine months training cycle that wraps up with a diploma in radio, the trainers were Waleed Al Omari, Bashar Shamout, Hakam Abdel Hadi, Aref Hijawi, Ismaeel Al Bargouthi and Mohanad Qaadan.

in the next year Aref Hijawi was directing the radio unit when Hisham Abdulla was supervising the print unit, during that period; distinguished training courses in journalism in which experienced well known journalists had participated  were conducted; which gave the center a credible reputation from day one, a  professional music recording diploma was added to the mix.

the center was located in Birzeit at one of its old buildings; the serenity of the place produced hundreds of trainees who were graduated with impressive dare in handling the Media ambiance, the center has granted them what regular degrees do not, that is practicality and professionalism, the MDC have had since then its own journalistic products , its own radio broadcast and remarkable recordings.

As the center moved to a new building inside the campus of Birzeit University in 1998, it has established  a TV unit , it  has also started including training courses for the students and has maintained the radio diploma program.

the specialized training courses has increased rapidly ever since, they were in various topics; the center during which has dealt with the most prominent national and international professionals in this domain, the center carried the title of an institute around that time as an attempt to comprise a masters degree under its roof, however the MDC has transformed into a center after seven years to be entitled Media Development Center, in 2005 the first edition of Al-Hal newspaper was released from the center , this critical daring publication has been the source of pride and distinction for the MDC  since the first edition and from that day on.

Throughout the years the MDC has evolved and has built solid database of trustees and partners , ,  it has managed to accelerate the rhythm of productivity and creativity within its team and all who have been interacting with it

in May,27th ,2013 , the MDC moved again to a new four-storey, fully equipped premises, where it has now hi tech TV& radio studios, it is fair to say that the center has entered a new era in its perspective and orientation building on collateral expertise, led by its director Mrs. Nibal Thawabteh; the center is now leading a national mission that aims at developing a strategy that regulate the media scene and contribute to the elevation of the domain ;that is the National Media Strategy

the MDC has managed to pursue a lifelong dream, to make Media this empowerment enlightening tool that serves people and supports their lives,

It’s not about doing.. it’s about the manner you do things with, be passionate and do things by your heart, aim high if you do not hit the moon you will still land between  stars.

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