
New Media and Print Unit


The New Media and Print Unit offers training courses that focus on developing journalists’ professional competences in a wide range of areas e.g.:

Since its early days, the MDC has offered hundreds of training courses for mid-career journalists in the field of print journalism thereby significantly contributing to strengthening the quality of the Palestinian print media industry.


Today, in a time of lightening-fast online information exchange, the need is urgent for Palestinian media to join the global media community and take advantage of the visibility and wide-reach of content the Internet offers.

Many Palestinian media houses are too ill-equipped to expand their content into an integrated online product of storytelling and journalism, and some have no web presence at all giving an extensive demand for the MDC’s services in training and coaching within the area of new media.


High quality web journalism and a skilled use of new media is an important part of an innovative media industry and a developing democratic society. Online media facilitates and encourages free information exchange where citizens can offer opinions, facts, observations and even their own reporting and experiences. 

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