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Obituary of a dear colleague


Birzeit University and the Media Development Center, are mourning with sincere sorrow our late colleague, the instructor; the Iranian professor : Hussain Shuheidi.
Hussain had a PhD degree in philosophy from Oxford and had taught journalism at the American University in Beirut which he had graduated from at the seventies, he belonged to the elite as a journalist and a trainer who had worked also at the BBC, he was and always will be one of the most loyal friends of the MDC at Birzeit University ;he  had been among us for long months as a brilliant trainer, during which we have learned, as Palestinian media practitioners , about the ethics of  free professional Media.
His training courses have graduated a lot of Palestinian journalists and many had another opportunity to pursue their education under his supervision at the Media Institute in Jordan to receive their Master degrees, his departure caused a tremendous effect upon us and his students.

Hussain came as a mentor..and left as a friend and has granted us love and a lot from his heart.
For his family, friends  and students we pass our shared condolences that must rise to his dignified memory