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German delegation of journalist visits the Media Development Center at Birzeit University


A German delegation had visited the MDC/Birzeit University yesterday , escorted by media students from Al Najah University in coordination with the PJS.
The guests were welcomed by an opening delivered by Ms. Buthayna Sumeiri;  the manager of the local media development project , they listened to  a briefing  about services, activities and training courses that the center provides  for both journalists and students , through its specialized units in Radio, TV, Print and New media, gender unit and research and policy unit, in addition to the MDC role in training manuals along with various Radio, TV and Print productions in partnership with national and international media institutions. The center displayed the National Media Strategy , that the MDC leads in partnership with forty national institutions.
Media lecturer;  Mr. Saleh Msharqa , added an overview  about AL Hal newspaper that is issued by the MDC publishing reports that training courses result in and being produced on monthly basis, Mr. Msharqa clarified the ultimate purpose of the training courses is preparing students for job market  and giving them a professional platform  that includes also the website of Al- Hal, the visit was wrapped up with a tour in the building , its studios and training halls during which chances of potential collaborations were explored.